Understanding the Baby Boomer travel trends in a post-Covid world

Jul 19, 2023

Over-60s are ready to hit the road, and keen to make up for lost time now that Covid-19 restrictions have eased. This is a generation that is hungry to travel, repeatedly! They have a long list of travel dreams and ambitions for the years to come, and many have already resumed booking their holidays for the next 18 months.

In fact, the Starts at 60 Boomer Guide 2023 found that over 53% of over-60s have already booked a holiday and will be travelling in the next six months. This is further supported by recent AARP research which reveals that the over-60s see travel as a priority for their discretionary income.

But how else has the travel landscape changed for Boomers in a post-Covid world? Are they still spending the same on travel as they used to? What about lead booking times; how far out in advance do they book now? And whereabouts are they travelling to nowadays?

To shed light on these questions, Wendy Harch, CEO of Travel at 60, the trusted travel experts for over-60s, looks back on the last 12 months in the industry and reveals how travel trends have changed among the over-60s in Australia in a post-Covid world.

The Baby Boomer Travel Trends 2023 is packed with insights that can help you shape your business strategies in the months to come and tap into this valuable demographic.

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